Charities get nearly $183,000 left from Kasich inauguration

First Posted: 3/11/2015

COLUMBUS (AP) — Eight children’s charities will split a donation of nearly $183,000 left over from Gov. John Kasich’s inaugural fund, Ohio’s first lady announced.

First lady Karen Kasich said Tuesday that the money will be split among several groups focusing on after-school programs, nutrition and health.

The governor’s committee raised nearly $1.2 million for his second inauguration. The January event included a swearing-in ceremony at a theater and a gala at a hotel in downtown Columbus.

Any unused money from such events is required by law to be either returned to donors or donated to charity.

The first lady said in a statement that Ohio wouldn’t be the place that it is without the passion of those who work to support the health and welfare of Ohio’s at-risk children.

The charities receiving donations are After School All-Stars Ohio, which offers students after-school tutoring and mentoring; Live Healthy Appalachia, which teaches children about healthy eating and cooking; Local Matters, a Columbus organization that teaches adults and children about growing and cooking healthy food; and five weekend backpack programs that send non-perishable meals home with children in need at the end of the school week.