First Posted: 1/23/2015

Quotations in the news from last week:

“I don’t really care who he is. It doesn’t make him any exception. If you’re a racist, you’re always going to be a racist. And for him to want to erase it — I just think it’s wrong.” — Kristyn Atwood, who was among a group of mostly black elementary school students at whom Mark Wahlberg threw rocks and shouted racial epithets in 1986. Wahlberg is now seeking a pardon for his crimes.


“Every people deserves to conserve its identity without being ideologically colonized.” — Pope Francis, saying that outside institutions should not impose views on family planning or gay rights onto developing countries.


“We need to create hope and justice, even if just a drop of it, and this is an example that shows we can go to the justice system and work with it.” — Nobel peace laureate Rigoberta Menchu, commenting about the sentencing of an ex-police official in the killings of her father and 36 others when Guatemala’s Spanish Embassy was burned down during the country’s civil war.


“I have no more campaigns to run… I know, because I won both of them.” — President Barack Obama, in an apparently unscripted quip near the end of his State of the Union speech.


“President Obama will soon have a decision to make: Will he sign the bill or block good American jobs?” — Senator Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, speaking about a bill that would allow construction of the Keystone oil pipeline, during the Republican rebuttal to the President’s State of the Union address.


“I saw ‘Friends’ and ‘Seinfeld’ and thought, ‘What part of New York is this?’ It’s not about being diverse. It’s about being true to the world.” — Kenya Barris, creator of ABC’s “black-ish,” on the lack of diversity in television shows he watched growing up.


“Jeff’s accomplishments off the track are impressive, but his numbers on the track are unbelievable. I call him the ‘GOAT’ – the Greatest of All Time. I believe he is the greatest NASCAR driver there has ever been. What he has done outside the sport has grown the sport’s popularity immensely. I give Jeff a tremendous amount of credit for the youth movement in NASCAR. A lot of people think NASCAR started in 1992 because that’s when he came on the scene and brought in a new, young audience because he appealed to the 18- to 35-year-old demographic. We didn’t really have a driver at the time who could do that.” — Hall of Fame driver and current FOX analyst Darrel Waltrip.