Letter: Trump remains unfit to serve as president

A swindler, a serial sexual offender and a convicted felon walk into a bar. Bartender says, “You here by yourself today, Mr. Trump?”

Project 2025 (written by 140 of Donald Trump’s former staff) forces every student in a publicly funded high school to take the military entrance exam. Note, the private-school students are not subject to the exam. Your children can die, not ours.

Overtime pay, eliminated. Child labor laws, weakened.

Vice presidential candidate JD Vance calls Social Security and Medicare “the biggest roadblocks to real fiscal sanity.” Project 2025 will reduce earned benefits. Vance supports a decrease in taxes for the wealthiest among us, instead advocating for the middle class to support the rich. Apparently a single yacht is insufficient.

Bob Woodward in his new book, “War,” writes that the former president “is dangerous and a fascist to the core.”

Neither Mike Pence, Mark Esper nor John Bolton are voting for Trump.

John Kelly, James Mattis, Mark Milley, H.R. McMaster, Rex Tillerson, Dan Coats and even Bill Barr have called him unfit.

His unwavering devotion to Vladimir Putin is perverse. Putin is a not a “so-called” enemy of the free world. He is the greatest threat to our allies and partners in Europe since Hitler.

That Trump cannot grasp this basic fact alone, makes him unqualified to serve as commander in chief.

Marilyn Mackey



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