Hayes granted early release from prison

LIMA — A former Shawnee Township chiropractor and a one-time candidate for the mayoral seat in Lima was granted judicial release from prison Friday in the Allen County Common Pleas Court after serving four months of his 18-month sentence.

Joshua Hayes, 40, will now be on probation for three years and must complete 50 hours of community service within one year as well as reentry court.

Hayes was indicted on charges of possession of hashish, aggravated possession of drugs and possession of marijuana and in April he entered no-contest pleas to each of the six counts. He was found guilty on all charges and on June 20 was sentenced to 18-month prison terms on each count. Judge Terri Kohlrieser ordered those sentences to be served concurrently.

In a letter to the judge included in his motion for early release, Hayes said he has come to several realizations while behind bars.

A proponent of the virtues of holistic medicine, Hayes wrote that “just because I have strongly held beliefs does not give me the right to ignore or act in a way that is contrary to the written legislation. I have learned by lesson that my behaviors have consequences, and I would not want to put myself or my family through this hardship ever again.”

Hayes said that while incarcerated he has taken a program called “transformation table,” worked in the kitchen and as a tutor in the prison high school to help other incarcerated individuals pass their GED.

“I have also utilized my time to deepen my relationship with God,” he said.

It was also noted in the hearing Friday that Hayes entered prison at level three security and in less than a month moved to level one security, which is the least restrictive level.

He told the judge that “being away from my kids has taken away my ability to fulfill the most important role in my life — to be a father.”

Hayes said that upon release from prison, he will work at Simply Holistic in Celina and Coldwater three to four days per week and see clients at his home office weekly.

“I would like to note that I have a supportive extended family in the community that have pledged to assist me as I get back on my feet and reintegrate into the community,” Hayes wrote.

He vowed to abstain from all illegal substances if released and “obtain redemption in my conduct and actions and pledge to follow the rules and adhere to any orders of post-release control.”

Hayes finished third in a four-candidate special run-off election for the mayoral seat in Lima in May 2021.