Letter: Trashy habits at games should be addressed

We should be doing better by now. As a child of the 1970s, a tearful Native American featured in an anti-litter TV ad will forever be engrained in my memory. Fifty years later, despite the push for recycling and increased knowledge of the effects of excessive waste, we have shamefully retreated in our progress.

After the last spectators left our local high school football game, I hesitated outside the stadium in disbelief of the excessive litter left by youth and adults alike. Water bottles, food and paper bags, among other things, were left on the ground just feet from trash cans.

What has happened to our society? Have we become so lazy and entitled that we refuse the simplest of tasks? Where are the adults, teaching young people the value of taking responsibility for their belongings and their surroundings?

The to-do lists for youth today are outrageous. To be considered competitive for post-secondary opportunities, they’re forced to excel in monumental fashion through academics, sports, arts and service hours. It’s just as important to serve and be responsible when no one is watching, when you won’t receive an award for your efforts. Why have we lost interest in modeling these basic behaviors for our youth?

A team of football-loving adults — or students fulfilling a punishment — will eventually clean up the mess. Shouldn’t those who left their trash be the clean-up crew?

We wonder why young adults are failing at manual work, coping skills and independent decision-making. If we take a look around when the lights have dimmed and the party is over, we will see the effect our entitlement and lazy attitudes are having on the next generation.

Stephanie N. Owen



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