Letter: Vote for candidate who has the right values

I was raised by devout Catholic parents who believed in the Bible, 10 commandments and the golden rule, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” My in-laws, devout Methodists, believed the same. And, as part of “the Greatest Generation,” they all believed in dignity, respect, decorum, truth and integrity from our politicians.

That is why I can’t ignore two impeachments, 34 felonies, one sexual assault charge, unpaid-for tax breaks for the uber-rich and corporations adding $8 trillion to the deficit, chaos and drama, disrespect to the Holy Bible and American flag as sports paraphernalia to sign and pose with, violating the decorum and solemnity of Arlington National Cemetery, warming up to murderous dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia and instigating an insurrection and attack on our Constitution, lawful count of our votes, obstruction and violating the historical tradition of a peaceful transfer of power as well as mocking the disabled, attacking all opponents, inciting violence and divisiveness and attacks on Gold Star mothers and fathers. He admitted his desire to be a permanent dictator.

The final straw is calling our soldiers and veterans “suckers and losers” and saying “I like soldiers who weren’t captured” in reference to the late Sen. John McCain and all POW’s.

I encourage you to vote to preserve our democracy for someone who will stand for all Americans regardless of party, religion and socioeconomic status or zip code. It’s a leader who opposes divisiveness, violence and remembers all our allies, soldiers, veterans, the poor, sick, dying and working-class citizens and their families.

Truth matters. Facts matter.

Theresa Allen



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