Director shares business advice at Rotary meeting

First Posted: 1/19/2015

LIMA — To be successful in business, you better want it.

That’s the first piece of advice Dr. Manu Aggarwal, Vein Care Center’s director, shared with Lima’s Rotary Club.

“It’s a whole different ball game when it’s your name on the banner,” she said.

Discussing business growth and construction for small medical practices, Aggarwal shared the center’s experience in its revival and expansion with her five pearls of wisdom.

After making her first point, the doctor emphasized the word “we” and that all members of the organization must share the same vision. This vision involves community, which should keep doctors honest, inspiring them to listen, be aware and beware.

“For better or worse, we all seem to be connected and it’s this realization that inspires us to treat each of our patients kindly,” Aggarwal said.

Of course, with any business, there’s bound to be bumps in the road. Aggarwal has advice for that too, after the center spent months trying to find a new location.

“Owners should face obstacles with courage and kindness, no matter how big or ugly or unreasonable,” she said. “Don’t be afraid to defend what you feel is right, what you know is right.”

Lastly, it all comes down to management. Poor management could lead to bad business. Aggarwal, however, showed pride for her team, pointing out five employees in the crowd during her presentation.

“I just love them,” she said.

Overall, the specialist encourages private practice.

“For each experience, there’s a positive,” she said. “I’ve loved all of these challenges.”

This week’s presentation was organized by rotary member Cindy Wood, who said it was a pleasure to have worked with Aggarwal.