Letter: People should turn to Bible before voting

Voters beware! Do not vote for those who are for abortion. Abortion is murder! God says, “You shall not kill.” (Exodus 20:13, New King James Version of the Bible.) Children are a blessing made in the image of God.”(Genesis 1:26)

Do not vote for those who support transgender. God is not the God of confusion.

Men should be the head of our country, as they are to be the head of our homes. Women were created to be helpers. (Genesis 2:18)

We need to repent our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. Our country was founded on God and the Bible. God has blessed our country so very much, and we have let men destroy it by taking God, the Bible and prayer from our schools and public places.

Elizabeth Mead



We welcome letters of 275 words or fewer. Letters are subject to editing for length, clarity and grammar. They should be concise, to the point and original — no form letters, please. Letters dealing with private disputes or containing criticism of private individuals or businesses are not published. Letters must have a signature (unless emailed) and a full name, address and daytime telephone number (for verification purposes only). During periods of high volume, such as prior to an election, writers can be limited to one letter a month. Letters may be published on our website.


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