Letter: Why I am no longer a Republican

I came to America in 1971 from India, a young physician for extra training and learning. I fell in love with this country and decided to live here. I settled down in Lima in 1978. My family and I never felt discriminated because of our color or religion (Hindu). We loved Lima. This was home! We were loved and accepted by our community. An immigrant like the rest of America, of all colors and religions. This was our country. I registered as a Republican.

Things started changing in America in 2015. The constant hate propagated then and now by the extreme right wing of the party was dangerous. The rhetoric initially started against Blacks then extended to Islamophobia and then against Mexicans, Asians and began to extend to anyone who was not white or Christian.

On a personal note, I and several members of my family, including our 10-year-old granddaughter, on different occasions have been told we should go back to our country. They did not know our religious denomination; the color of our skin was the determining factor!

This is not a political letter, and my intent is not to convert anyone from one party to the other. But we should no longer stand on the sidelines. After all, we are electing the president of our country, the global leader of democracy!

In the last decade, moderate Republicans like me are leaving the party in droves. I have realized that my party has shifted to the extreme right and no longer represented people like me. I now see myself as an independent.

It is not possible to vote for a party that has become increasingly more xenophobic, more misogynistic, a party that has become a cult and threatens our democracy. This fight is not only for our generation alone but for our kids and grandkids!

I miss the Republican party of Ronald Reagan and John McCain!

Praveen K. Malhotra MD



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