Letter: Brown delivered help when Lima needed it

It was my privilege while I served as Lima’s mayor to work with Sherrod Brown during his time as Ohio’s Secretary of State, as congressman and as Ohio’s U.S. senator. Throughout his career, he has been a tireless advocate for Ohio, for workers and the dignity of work, and for Ohio’s cities.

There was never a time that I reached out to him that I did not get a helpful response. For example, many Ohio cities including Lima faced hugely expensive environmental regulations. With Sen. Brown’s direct involvement and support, federal regulations were changed to permit cities to address their environmental responsibilities in affordable ways. Additionally, the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center (formerly known as the Lima Army Tank Plant) faced possible closure and the loss of hundreds of jobs. Sen. Brown helped create bipartisan support for investment in the plant and for its continued long-term operations.

Ohio needs Brown’s passion for working people, for good-paying jobs and for safe and healthy communities. Ohio has an experienced and committed champion in Brown. Please join me in voting to keep Brown as Ohio’s U.S. Senator. Thanks for your consideration.

David J. Berger



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