Police calls


South Pierce Street at West Elm Street, Lima — Police responded to an intoxicated person Wednesday.

800 block of South McDonel Street, Lima — A domestic violence incident occurred Wednesday.

600 block of South Main Street, Lima — A theft occurred Wednesday.

10 block of Spartan Way, Lima — Police responded to disorderly conduct Wednesday.

500 block of Brower Road, Lima — A theft was reported Wednesday.

800 block of Richie Avenue, Lima — A warrant was served Wednesday.

1000 block of Brower Road, Lima — Police searched for a runaway Wednesday.

3000 block of North Cole Street, Lima — Police served a warrant Wednesday.

800 block of South Judkins Avenue, Lima — Fraud was reported Wednesday.

800 block of East Kibby Street, Lima — A warrant was served Wednesday.


200 block of West Clime Street, Delphos — Officers responded to trespassing Sept. 9.

800 block of West Clime Street, Delphos — A theft was reported Sept. 9.

200 block of North Cass Street, Delphos — Police responded to a disturbance Sept. 9.

Officers responded to a residence where a toddler was found wandering without an adult Sept. 9. Officers located the child’s residence and Children’s Services was notified.

1000 block of North Main Street, Delphos — An alarm was activated at a business Sept. 10.

24000 block of Lincoln Highway, Delphos — A domestic disturbance occurred Sept. 11.

400 block of North Canal Street, Delphos — A theft was reported Sept. 11.

600 block of South Jefferson Street, Delphos — A disturbance occurred Sept. 12.

Officers made contact with Jose Salazar, 42, who had an active warrant Sept. 13.

A man reported another man was threatening to assault him and posted derogatory messages on social media Sept. 13. Charges are being reviewed for telecommunications harassment.

Officers stopped a man on a bicycle who committed a violation Sept. 13. During the stop officers found him to be in possession of suspected methamphetamine. Charges will be filed pending test results.

Police arrested a 24-year-old man for operating a vehicle while intoxicated Sept. 14 after committing a traffic violation.

300 block of South Pierce Street, Delphos — A woman reported Sept. 14 that her daughter was missing. Officers found that a male took the girl to Michigan without her mother’s permission. Multiple items of drug paraphernalia and alcohol were found in the girl’s possession. While officers were at the residence the girl came home. Multiple charges will be filed on the girl and the male might receive charges for driving her to Michigan.

People charged with misdemeanor offenses are not identified in this column but are identified through published court dispositions.