Shooting range celebrates National Shooting Sports Month

LIMA — To celebrate National Shooting Sports Month, Hesseling Range, Firearms and Gunsmith has announced its involvement in partnership with the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

“We are celebrating National Shooting Sports Month in August,” said Gennifer Hesseling, owner of the range. “… A big part of it is something called the +One Initiative, which gives the opportunity for anyone that is already an active member in the firearms community, or just a recreational shooter, to invite one extra person to the range in August to introduce more people to the shooting sports.”

Hesseling is also the chapter leader of the local nonprofit group, Armed Women of America, which meets at the range every third Thursday each month. This month, the meeting will be on Thursday, Aug. 15.

“We are inviting all women from the local community to try shooting or a free class. It is a very fun, very safe environment and a great way to kind of get to know what shooting sports can possibly be about for you,” she said.

There are also first-shot classes, next-shot classes, personal defense classes, and the range to shoot at.

Reach Cade Higgins at 567-242-0351