Celina couple charged in Jan. 6 uprising seeks release from jail

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A hearing has been scheduled for Friday in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on motions filed by a Celina couple seeking release from jail while awaiting trial on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021 “Stop the Steal” rally at the U.S. Capitol.

Donald and Shawndale Chilcoat, charged with counts related to obstruction and other disruptive behavior during the Jan. 6 insurgency at the Capitol, last month filed motions requesting their release from jail while awaiting trial.

The Chilcoats were released on bail following their arrest but on Sept. 5 of last year failed to appear for a required status hearing. A bench warrant was issued for their arrest and on Oct. 11 they were arrested in Mercer County.

In her motion, Shawndale Chilcoat said she will abide by all restrictions the court imposes and will appear at all future court appearances. Donald Chilcoat admitted he made a mistake when he failed to appear before the court and when he violated his pre-trial release conditions.