Allen County Commissioner Noonan joins Superior PLUS Realtors

LIMA — Allen County Commissioner Cory Noonan has decided to follow the steps of his predecessors. Superior PLUS Realtors announced Noonan will join the team as a realtor.

“Superior PLUS Realtors is committed to providing our clients with the best real estate buying and selling experience possible,” said Ryan Stackhouse, a Superior PLUS Realtors broker, in a recent press release. “Cory will no doubt help us continue our mission. We are ecstatic to have him join our team.”

Noonan will continue to serve the county as a commissioner and focus on the commercial side of real estate. Noonan said he is excited to help the entities through the process in Allen and surrounding counties.

“I have been thinking of this for quite some time,” said Noonan. “We have had some great county commissioners and elected officials in Allen County serve as Realtors — I’m the type of person that likes to work, likes to get my hands dirty and likes to be focused. This is just another way for me to do that.”

Reach Precious Grundy at 567-242-0351.