Letter: Support our park activities and facilities

I am writing to request your support of the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District Levies this coming May 2nd.

The park district is entering its 51st year of service to the residents of Lima and the greater Allen County community. During that time period, the district has excelled in working with our youth through the schools, corporate entities and other local organizations.

In addition, the citizenry of our area has been provided with numerous activities, resources and opportunities to use and enjoy facilities that are the envy of much of our state. From archery, camping, fishing and swimming activities to hiking and biking the numerous trails in the park district, JAMPD has offered unparalleled facilities to our communities and their residents.

Recently, the park district installed a nine-mile crushed limestone path along the Miami and Erie canal towpath from Spencerville to Delphos. This path has provided the residents of western Allen County a valuable tool to use for hiking and biking and, additionally, has spurred residents of Delphos to extend this walking path through their community.

In conclusion, please know that our continued support of these levies will continue to assist the park district in making a difference by improving the quality of life for the residents of Lima and Allen County for decades to come.

Dave Desenberg


Desenberg is part of the Delphos Walk Path Committee.


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The Lima News

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Lima, OH 45807


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