Letter: Beware of the habits of new postal folks

For years, I had a wonderful postal carrier. He didn’t fuss about things like not having a flag on the box or seeing the daily newspaper in the mailbox.

When he retired, our route got a young fella. He didn’t deliver my mail for nine days because I didn’t have a flag on the box. So I bought a flag — a red hand with a middle finger pointing up. Hey, it’s a flag.

This week I didn’t get a newspaper delivery for two days. I contacted The Lima News, and the next day I got all the back issues along with a note from my delivery woman saying that she never missed me. So where were my newspapers?

That same day I received a pink postal notice saying I had something with postage due, $1.76. I drove downtown to the main post office and discovered that my mail carrier was taking the newspaper out of the mailbox and attaching a postage-due notice to it.

My newspaper lady said, “I’ve always put the newspaper in the mailbox, so it doesn’t get wet or the wind doesn’t get it.” I explained about the new carrier, and she agreed to put my newspaper in the paper tube.

I realize that nothing except USPS mail is allowed in the mailbox. And I was told that other people on my mail route are having their newspapers pulled out of their mailboxes!

So folks, if you aren’t getting your mail, check to be sure you have a flag on the box, and if you’re missing your newspaper, call your delivery person and be sure they are putting it in the newspaper box.

Diane Laratta



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