Letter: Parks a vital part of our community

When you look for a place to live and raise your family, there are many factors that may affect your decision. These may include a good job, affordable housing and the school district you want your children to attend.

Other factors may include what your city has to offer. Lima and Allen County are enriched with multiple quality-of-life activities and facilities. Lima has a vibrant downtown with multiple places to eat and shop, an accredited local museum and historical society and a thriving Civic Center, which hosts our very own symphony.

Allen County also has an amazing metro park district that includes 20 local parks, trails and facilities. All of these things that Lima and Allen County have to offer may help to improve the quality of life for all the residents of Allen County.

The Johnny Appleseed Parks are located all over our county and are all great places for our citizens and families to enjoy nature and the outdoors. As with everything, it takes money to keep these parks clean, safe and up-to-date.

On May 2nd, I am asking for your help to support our parks with a vote for the two renewal levies that Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District will have on the ballot. These parks, along with all the other quality-of-life activities we have in our community, are vital to a strong and vibrant Lima and Allen County.

Jim Osmon



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The Lima News

Your View

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Lima, OH 45807


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