Letter: Two renewals, no new taxes

This upcoming May, we all have the opportunity to vote yes to two renewals for the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District.

As a frequent user of our parks, I can attest that our parks provide a fun, clean and safe environment for people of all ages to go out to and enjoy the many amenities they offer all day, every day. The park offers educational benefits, as state curriculums are met through top-notch nature and cultural education programming.

Parks are essential as they provide a great place to escape from the many stressors of daily life. They are also great for everyone’s mental and physical health. In fact, the parks were one of the only places people could escape to in order to feel normal during the pandemic, as the parks remained open the entire time.

The two renewals are small levies in comparison to other taxes throughout the county, only costing $42 a year in taxes on property valued at $100,000; this is less than you pay to take your trash out!

Partners in the community, the park district prides itself on its ability to operate within its means to provide the community with all its needs. In the past eight to 10 years, the park district has been able to provide the community with great new upgrades, renovations and additions. New flush restrooms and new playgrounds are just some examples. The levy renewals are essential, as our beautiful parks still require maintenance, renovations and additions of new features.

Make sure to go out and vote yes to keep our wonderful parks great!

Jerry M. Johnson



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