Exchange student from Italy shares with Kiwanis

LIMA — Ludovica Toppan (Ludo), an exchange student from northern Italy, is a 17-year-old junior at Elida High School who aspires to be a dentist or pharmacist. Toppan spoke Tuesday to the Kiwanis Club about her experiences in Lima.

Toppan has participated on the volleyball team and the swim team so far this school year. She also is on the prom committee and she takes part in the National Honor Society activities. She has been in the United States since the end of August.

“I really like the school system, which is something that I never would have thought. Kids here are more involved in school activities. I was on the swim team, which was nice because I’ve never swum before,” Toppan said.

She said the exchange experience has brought her out of her shell. “I learned that I have to come out of my comfort zone. At first I had to make friends. I had to start talking to people so I became more confident. You’re not on your own because you have your host family, but it’s not like having your mom and dad here to do things for you.”

Ludo currently lives with the Tim Hammel family.

The Hammel family has hosted 24 students over the years. Hammel said, “I’ve had a girl in the house at the same time from Russia, one from Japan and one from Ecuador.”

Hosting an exchange student can lead to lifelong friendships with people from different parts of the world. Hammel was in Germany for the wedding of an exchange student. One needs an atlas to see the places where exchange students who have lived with the Hammels have come from. Students from Europe, Asia and South America have crossed the Hammel threshold.

Toppan’s placement in the Hammel home was arranged by ASSE, one of several foreign exchange organizations worldwide, that screens host families and students for placement.

Hosting a foreign exchange student is a two-fold learning opportunity. It gives the student an opportunity to come to the United States and learn about American culture and gives the host family the opportunity to learn first-hand about the culture of the student’s home country.

Reach Dean Brown at 567-242-0409

Dean Brown
Dean Brown joined The Lima News in 2022 as a reporter. Prior to The Lima News, Brown was an English teacher in Allen County for 38 years, with stops at Perry, Shawnee, Spencerville and Heir Force Community School. So they figured he could throw a few sentences together about education and business in the area. An award-winning photographer, Brown likes watching old black and white movies, his dog, his wife and kids, and the four grandkids - not necessarily in that order. Reach him at [email protected] or 567-242-0409.