Letter: Lima region was lucky to have Usher at games

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to The Lima News columnists Jim Naveau and John Grindrod for their profoundly heartfelt thoughts in their respective articles concerning remembering Tom Usher.

Usher was everything that these talented writers described and even more. Indeed, he was for 37 years God’s gift to the Lima-area sports community — especially to baseball, soccer and basketball fans, coaches and players. His passing has left an immense hole in our lives, a hole the size of which can only be reduced or diminished by remembering Usher with the likes of such fond reflections as those highlighted by these two writers.

As Braves and later Red Sox fans were wont to say, “Nuf Ced.” Rest in peace, Tom.

Charles LaGrande and Peter LaGrande


Charles LaGrande was varsity baseball coach at Shawnee from 1997 to 2005 and Shawnee assistant soccer coach from 1991 to 2013. Peter LaGrande was Shawnee assistant soccer coach from 2014 to 2012.


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