Letter: American government must show its strength

Why are American citizens standing by letting the U.S. become so weak? We are continuing to let the Biden administration, the weakest and most corrupt in modern times, continue to make America wimpy. Why?

The Afghanistan pullout showed we were weak by pulling the military out before the American citizens. We left thousands of Afghans and their families that helped us to the mercies of the Taliban. Billions of dollars of our military equipment went to the Taliban. We gave Bagram Air Base, into which the U. S. had poured millions of dollars, to the Taliban. This action showed the Russian president and the world the weakness of the Biden administration.

The Biden administration’s open border policy, especially the Southern border, has been a disaster. More than 100,000 U.S. citizens have been killed by fentanyl.More than 5 million illegal aliens entered the U.S. across the Southern border since Biden took office. Our government has no idea where these illegals are or what their intentions are.

Biden had a foreign policy disaster when, on March 3, 2021, Yang Jiechi, a top-ranking diplomat and former Chinese ambassador to the United States, read the riot act to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Alaska.

Why would Biden let a Chinese spy balloon float across the U.S. only to shoot it down? Could it be because of all the millions or maybe billions of U.S. dollars he, his son and family collected over the years from China?

We as a people need to stand up or our Constitution will be gone. Do you really want socialism? Not me.

Bob Amstutz



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