Letter: A case for repairing Schoonover Pool

I read the article “Lima Aquatic Center in motion” in The Lima News on Jan. 11. It sounds like a facility that will be well-used. I’m also glad that it’s fully funded.

The article states, “The new pool will replace the beloved Schoonover Pool that closed in 2020 and never reopened.” All who live in the “Schoonoverhood” were not surprised that it didn’t reopen. Further stated, “Repairs would cost over $1 million, and the city decided to build something new.”

In addition to the fully enclosed pool with retractable roof would be a new outside pool.

May I suggest that instead of building a new outside pool, Schoonover be repaired. I don’t have much faith that this suggestion will be considered.

Repair of Schoonover Pool, which opened July 4, 1941, would be appreciated by many, especially by nine of Emma Bowsher’s family who still live close. Emma, Adrian and five children lived on Findlay Road from 1937 until Emma passed in 2012 at age 97. It was she who led the program of the pool opening in 1941.

Larry Esmonde



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