Letter: Not enjoying this circus in Washington

Several years ago, Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus announced they were ceasing operations. At the time, many believed their ending was due to changing public tastes. Everything had went high-tech, and animal acts were just not that exciting anymore.

Apparently that was not the case. With today’s Republican party, perhaps Ringling felt that one big circus was enough, one they could not compete with. The modern GOP (Goofballs on Parade), consisting of clowns like Donald Trump, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz and others are an embarrassment to the Grand Old Party. What happened to the party of Abe Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan?

Perhaps I sound as though I am a disgruntled Democrat. Actually, I am neither. I enjoy a good clown show once in a while, preferably not in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Victor Arnett



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