Letter: Dr. Phil twisted reality of abortion

I want to commend Lisa Rowe on her column in the Dec. 22 edition of The Lima News. Dr. Phil always takes the liberal side and pretends post-abortion stress does not exist.

Post-abortion stress is a reality and has been since the Supreme Court decision of Jan. 22, 1973. For women, it’s usually shame, fear and depression. For men, it’s usually loss of fatherhood and betrayal by the partner.

Among the organizations serving post-abortion clients is Support After Abortion Hotline (844-289-4673). They have been in existence since 2001 and have handled over 20,000 calls and given hundreds of weekend retreats for men and women to deal with their grief.

There’s also the International Hotline for Abortion Recovery ((866-482-5433), also 24/7 handling hundreds of calls a year, and Rachel’s Vineyard (877-HOPE4ME).

With this many people hurting, I don’t think they’ll go away any time soon. And post-abortion trauma does not exist? These don’t even count those who are suffering in silence.

If women are suffering about a decision so much, I do not hear the pro-abortionists promoting the gift of a woman giving the child up for adoption. Sure it’s hard, but the story can have a beautiful ending with the joy of knowing that the baby you couldn’t care for is going to one of the thousands of couples whose arms ache for a child.

I hope someone who reads this will put their baby up for adoption so there’s no regret in your life. If you’re experiencing post-abortion trauma, please do yourself a favor and use one of the numbers listed.

Marlene Schulze



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