Letter: Auglaize officials assumed Wine was guilty from start

This is a follow-up from the letter about a month ago by Bob Clark regarding the unusual prosecution of Dr. Doug Wine, of St. Marys. I, too, have read Brice Brenneman’s book, “The Strange Case of Dr. Wine.” I encourage others to obtain this book that illustrates the bizarre justice that Dr. Wine received at the hands of the Auglaize County court system.

This man’s career has perhaps been destroyed as a result of the poor performance by those individuals in Auglaize County responsible for this travesty of justice. Instead of the American value of innocent until proven guilty, Dr. Wine apparently was assumed guilty right from the start.

Please read Brice Brenneman’s book and draw your own conclusion. My conclusion is that a decent man was ramrodded through the court system and prosecuted because there was no fair investigation conducted into this matter.

Kevin M. Kidd



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