Letter: The end of COVID, if we pay attention

I’m not a preacher, a priest or a prophet. Only a single religious class (required for graduation at Bluffton College) gives me any right to consider the acts of God. However, for about 70 of my 87 years, I’ve read, studied and considered the Holy Scriptures. Also, I’ve been privileged and blessed by pastors, Sunday School teachers, Bible study and small group leaders.

But “fools leap in where angels fear to tread,” so perhaps the following may be of some value.

Jesus taught primarily through parables (Matthew 13:34). The following fictitious scenario may qualify as something similar:

John’s teenage son was constantly telling lies. His dad grounded him for a week and — horrors! — took away his smartphone. But the boy continued to lie, so John grounded him for a second week. Raging, the kid demanded to know why.

“The punishment was meant to make you face your problem and stop doing it, but you have kept it up,” John said. “So evidently you need further discipline.”

The question we constantly hear today is “when will this awful pandemic end?” Could it be that God is waiting for us as a nation and as individuals to repent of our sins and stop doing them? If so, the reason for God’s continued punishment will become clear to all of us.

These are just the musings of an old guy’s mind, but could it be true?

Lloyd Harnishfeger



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