Letter: Democrats are at least consistent

The January 6th Committee has released its report. Did anyone actually think that a group made up of hand-picked Trump haters and two Rinos would come to any other conclusion than to refer the issue to the Justice Department for prosecution? Led by the bug-eyed Adam Schiff, who has consistently lied about having evidence of President Trump being a Russian agent, and the prefect Trump hater Liz Chaney, this kangaroo court has consistently lied and covered up the true facts surrounding the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2020, by calling it an insurrection.

The committee carried on with its charade in spite of revelations of FBI and Big Tech efforts to cover up the information revealed from the Hunter Biden laptop, the Clinton campaign’s buying and promoting the Russian collusion myth and a letter signed by current and past intelligence operatives falsely accusing Trump of the same type of collusion.

It is not surprising that the committee would accuse Trump of everything from treason to stealing coins from a church donation basket.

All this while the Democrats are assuring us that the border is secure, that the country is not in a recession, that inflation is not really happening, our strategic petroleum reserves are not being raided to prop up a lying, senile president who cannot answer a question at a news conference that has not been prescreened and the answer preprinted for his use.

The Democrats welcome millions of illegals to violate our borders in the hopes of granting them all amnesty. Would not these millions of newly minted voters appreciate the efforts of the Democrats to welcome them into our country by becoming a solid voting block Dems can count on? I would suggest all you loyal union members consider the millions of illegals who will lower the wage base and compete with you for jobs.

Kenneth E. Harris



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