Letter: Political parties proving to be the problem lately

When I started reading “Sinema misses point about party” (Dec. 14), I assumed the author was being sarcastic. Then I read, “Imagine voting without political parties. One would have to carefully research each candidate’s policy stances and group loyalties in order to cast an informed ballot.” It was clear that this college professor does not get that this is the problem.

Those that vote strictly by party ignore anything the candidate has done that might be counter to the values they espouse. (See Herschel Walker.)

The candidate may be under indictment. (See Sam Crish or Larry Householder.)

A candidate may have been pushed by the party simply because it is “their turn.” (See Joe Biden.)

The author and the individual quoting “political parties created democracies” must not have read George Washington’s farewell address. He warned “the alternate domination of one party over another and coinciding efforts to exact revenge upon their opponents have led to horrible atrocities.”

Neither are they subscribers of The Lima News, since they couldn’t have read the article before the August primary, which indicated the reason we have primaries is that the party nominating process was so corrupt.

Hopefully Sen. Sinema has started a trend away from the political parties. She should be praised for her courage and her willingness to reflect the wishes of her constituents.

Terry J. Knebel



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