Letter: Huffman, Cupp continue politically motivated actions

Five times the Ohio Supreme Court was given partisan-drawn political maps, and none of them were any better than what we were trying to get rid of, like the Duck or the Snake On The Lake. It was so late in the process that they had to be held up and used in the 2022 midterm elections. We could have predicted how that came out, and once again Bob Cupp and Matt Huffman, our local insurrectionists, played the Ohio legislature like a fiddle.

Their map drawings initially were self-made by their staff, with the determining factor of the number of people voting instead of geographical locations. This put the GOP at nearly 80% of the voting base in which they could determine boundaries. The people of Ohio voted 70-30 to pass no gerrymandering legislation that would have multiple angles of bipartisan input. This hiccup sets them up for the 2024 election, in which Huffman is eligible to return as state representative in a redrawn Allen County district.

We are currently in a lame-duck legislative session. Huffman revved up another unprecedented legal action to make it harder to vote in new legislation to Ohio’s Constitution. They want a 60 percent approval of amendments, instead of the 50-percent-plus-one. The U.S. Supreme Court is ruling on this independent state legislation, and 140 state and religious organizations are opposing this, yet it is full steam ahead with this continual self-centered Republican legislation.

Also in the mix are the decontrol of the Ohio Board of Education, drilling for oil and gas by anyone in our state parks and voter ID laws. Apparently the object of this Allen County political reign is to have a statewide fiefdom.

Bo Huenke



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