Letter: Researching their scores show who should win

Our Constitution is the reason many people want to come live in the U.S., whether they come legally or illegally. If you value the U.S. Constitution and the guarantees that it gives every individual, you should consider voting records of the candidates on the ballot.

Examining the house votes for the 117th Congress using the Freedom Index in The New American Magazine shows that Marcie Kaptur and Tim Ryan have a 0% for voting Constitutionally, as do all the other Democrat house representatives. Meanwhile, Jim Jordan and Warren Davidson have a score of 100, Bob Latta 70.

In the Senate, Sherrod Brown, the current Ohio longtime senator, has a voting record of 0. Vance and Ryan are competing to replace Rob Portman. We know that Ryan does not value the U.S. Constitution with a 0 score and has been in politics for 20 years. Vance is the new person who has no voting record yet. It appears that the long-term politicians with exception of a few are not worthy to be representatives of the people.

You will have the opportunity to vote the direction the U.S. will be taking. Your future and your posterity’s future depend upon what you value. Will it be constant taking and spending of our tax dollars and the horrendous debt which drives up prices for food, gas, housing, building supplies, etc., and erodes retirement savings and investments? At some point, this massive debt has to be repaid by you, the taxpayer.

Linda Bishop



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