Letter: Plenty of ways to help with the Democrats

Carole Daley’s Oct. 26 letter (Local Democrats must do a better job) addressed several issues upon which we can agree: Gerrymandering can “result in maps that are deeply unrepresentative” in Ohio districts, for which you can thank Republicans Matt Huffman, Bob Cupp and Mike DeWine.

We also agree that “a high percentage of citizens don’t trust our government,” the solution to which is more grassroots people getting involved. Grassroots folks cannot offer the big money that lobbies do, but we can knock on doors, send postcards, make phone calls, talk to our neighbors and display yard signs.

And if we’ve missed contacting you for help or responding to calls, I regret that, although I’m not sure how that could happen, since there are many good hardworking Democrats that are conducting those activities every day, who use our website and Facebook to contact each other.

Get Out the Vote is usually done by voting records, so you might want to check your own to see why you don’t get contacted.

Recently we had an older gentleman fall and be injured while canvassing. We have disabled people making phone calls. We have volunteers scheduling fundraisers and rallies — not a single one of those people is pathetic. They are proud Americans expressing and exercising their rights to vote, free speech and support their beliefs.

With little money, woefully outnumbered, we continue to work as hard as we can for the things we believe in. That’s not pathetic, it’s the American way.

If we’ve missed your call, please stop by our headquarters at 206 E. Market St. — did you see our grand opening in the media? Contact us on Facebook or via our website. We look forward to having you join us!

Rochelle Twining



We welcome letters of 275 words or fewer. Letters are subject to editing for length, clarity and grammar. They should be concise, to the point and original — no form letters, please. Letters dealing with private disputes or containing criticism of private individuals or businesses are not published. Letters must have a signature (unless emailed) and a full name, address and daytime telephone number (for verification purposes only). During periods of high volume, such as prior to an election, writers can be limited to one letter a month. Letters may be published on our website.


The Lima News

Your View

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