Letter: No explanation why union leaders still support Dems

Our country is caught in the grip of runaway inflation. Our borders are open to anyone who can pay the cartels enough to get them here. We are on the brink of war with Russia. And still our local unions are supporting Democrats.

This is truly unbelievable. Tim Ryan, who has voted 100% on the party line, is now saying he is supporting working families. Whaley, who supported large tax increases and is mayor of one of the most crime-ridden cities in Ohio, says “building the middle class is the key,” while she actively worked to shut down a police academy.

We have watched in horror as our retirement accounts have melted away; our children have fallen victim to drugs disguised as candy; and the price of gasoline, natural gas, and heating oil have become unaffordable.

And still the local unions have endorsed candidates of the party directly responsible for the disaster the Biden Administration has become in its only two years of its existence.

When you go to the grocery store, and your shopping cart contents add up to more than a monthly car payment, perhaps you too will wonder why the union leaders insist on supporting the insanity that Democratic policies have become.

We must “stop the insanity” by ignoring the left-leaning union leadership and using our own judgment. Ask yourself the question, “Are you better off now than you were before Biden And Co. took control In 2020?” Can you honestly answer yes to that question? If the answer is no, then no Democrat running for any office deserves your vote.

Kenneth E. Harris



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