Letter: Ryan can’t fight the momentum of Dems

I just got done watching the debate between Tim Ryan and J.D. Vance. Ryan sounded almost like a conservative.

Now, if I take him at his word and if he gets elected, he will follow the middle-of-the-road policies he proposes (which I sincerely doubt he will), I have a question.

The question is how will he convince Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pat Leahy, Cory Booker, Joe Biden, etc., that we need to reduce taxes to help people fight inflation? How will he convince them to ban abortion after 22 weeks, except in the case of a health emergency to the mother? How will he convince them to make laws to benefit businesses so they will bring jobs back from China?

The answer will be that he can’t. In fact, the exact opposite will happen. In all the years Biden, Schumer, Sanders, Warren, Leahy, Booker, et al have been in Senate leadership, they have doubled down on raising taxes, abortion on demand and crippling businesses with burdensome regulations. If Ryan could not get the House Dems to see things his way, why would we think he will be successful in the Senate?

His new slogan? “For the Workers”? That’s a joke. He won’t even mention that he is a Democrat in any of his TV ads! As for being for workers, he is like Biden, who just said to a construction worker last week “I don’t work for you”!

The only way to change the direction of the country is to elect J.D. Vance and try to get a majority of Republicans in the Senate. Maybe he and his fellow GOP senators will be able to get us back on track to fiscal sanity and stop the idiots who have put our country where it is today, in the toilet!

We can’t take a chance on electing Ryan and having the Senate be 50/50 again. Nothing will get done.

Ed Hanson



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