Letter: Confusing mixed messages coming from candidates

I have to admit to some confusion over items I have seen in the newspaper and on TV.

In your article on Supreme Court candidates, most of them were proud of the fact that they follow the Constitution and do not legislate from the bench. Odd then, that some of them would have voted to not uphold the constitutional amendment passed by Ohio voters concerning redistricting.

In this same vein, it confuses me that Pat DeWine is allowed to rule on cases involving his father.

I think I saw Dave Yost touting his fight against First Energy raising our electric bill. He must have been on vacation when House Bill 6 was being passed, and Larry Householder was taking $60 million in bribes from First Energy. Can we expect justice in the Householder case?

I am concerned about the disappearance of those who in 2020 declared Mike DeWine a RINO and swore never to vote for him again.

Terry J. Knebel



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