Letter: Don’t ignore Concerned Citizens of Lima Area

A few Lima city council meetings ago, council members took a very hard-line approach to a fledgling group of concerned citizens because the group, Concerned Citizens of Lima Area, had the audacity to question the city government, to the point city council members (two to be exact) informed the group and apparently all others that if you didn’t like the way the city was run to leave.

How prophetic. Oh, not really, that prophecy has been fulfilled and continues. The population is still in decline. Perhaps the government could focus on why it is in decline? They just don’t care because they are comfortable with 21% poverty (the mayor’s number); crime rate was again fodder for the media because Lima is rated one of the 10 worst cities in Ohio to live.

Goodness dares anything being said about a failing school system because somebody’s brothers’ sisters’ cousin works at the school, and it is really great. When your superintendent takes a victory lap because the children get fed with government monies, good for her. When will the superintendent take a victory lap because the graduates can read and write on a state level, let alone by world standards?

I’ve heard so many stories about why the school system can fail the children and not be held accountable for a catastrophic failure. Where are the mouths of the city council on this topic? They say there is nothing they can do. You are doing it you are supporting a failing system with positive comments except the educational part.

How dare you tell us to leave. This is also the city I live in. Does the ACLU know government officials from their bully pulpit are trying to stop public input or call out citizens because they want specific information on city issues?

For the record, CCLA meets at 6 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at the Lima Public Library. A number of city council people have been informed of those meetings and asked to attend.

Robert DeVita



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