Letter: A biased view of market economy

I am not qualified to correct a professional economist, as Robert Kempt asserts that he is in his letter, “An educated view of market economy,” on Oct. 28.

I am qualified to recognize and correct a “Green New Deal,” socialist, left-wing Democrat view, however.

Kemp follows the line spewed by the occupant of the White House when he says high gas prices are the fault of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine! Come on, man!

It is common knowledge and a matter of record that the occupant greatly curtailed the oil and gas/petroleum industry on his first day in office.

I do appreciate an educated opinion or view. I respect honesty much more!

All consumer products, such as groceries, meat, poultry and eggs, are affected by fuel costs, much more than COVID-19!

Also, gas was not $5 per gallon when the incompetent occupant entered the White House.

Let’s all strive to make America great again!

Larry Esdmone



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