Letter: Candidates must accept results of past elections

Why do we accept the results of an athletic event? What if Penn State refused to accept the results of Saturday’s loss to Ohio State? Chaos would set in if that happened. We would just fight, and our sports fun would end.

We have hundreds of people who deny the result of President Joe Biden’s victory, and yet they are on the ballot. Do we vote for the deniers and become deniers ourselves?

Either we choose to accept the results of the previous election, or we open our country to the loss of our democracy. We better choose to live by the election system we have, or we will throw our country into a war. What do we want?

Mildren Ruen

Fort Jennings


We welcome letters of 275 words or fewer. Letters are subject to editing for length, clarity and grammar. They should be concise, to the point and original — no form letters, please. Letters dealing with private disputes or containing criticism of private individuals or businesses are not published. Letters must have a signature (unless emailed) and a full name, address and daytime telephone number (for verification purposes only). During periods of high volume, such as prior to an election, writers can be limited to one letter a month. Letters may be published on our website.


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