Letter: America should have worked on energy crisis

Oil prices are the leading cause of the inflation we are seeing here and worldwide.

Yet we produce more crude oil than we use. Therefore, we export it, then turn around and import oil at whatever the Saudis and other exporters want to charge.

Biden has been blamed for the high gasoline prices, but the blame falls on past administrations, both Democrat and Republican, and Congress.

Much of the oil we produce here is sweet crude, and our refineries are not able to process it. We are set up to process heavy sour crude oil because that is what we imported from the Middle East. We are processing more sweet crude, but not nearly enough to discontinue the imports.

If there had been long-term planning, the money that the taxpayers subsidized the fossil fuel industry could have been put to beneficial use, by redesigning the refineries to process sweet crude, which we produce here.

We have known for over 30 years the danger of using fossil fuels, but we never did anything to address it. We should have produced more fuel-efficient vehicles many years ago. But back in the day when gasoline was selling for under $1 a gallon, we did not see the need because it was so cheap.

Now we are on the verge of reaching the tipping point on the climate crisis, and we are still arguing over fuel-efficient vehicles and using renewable energy to try to save the planet.

Wake up, America!

Sherri Eley



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