Letter: Girl Scouts can help with mental health

At Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, we’re deeply concerned about mental health issues girls are experiencing. According to recent data from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the share of children struggling to make it through the day rose nearly 26% — from 9.4% (5.8 million kids) in 2016 to 11.8% (7.3 million kids) in 2020.

As children struggle with anxiety and depression at unprecedented levels, Girl Scouts offers much-needed support for girls.

Girl Scout activities intentionally embrace mental wellness and teach healthy ways of coping. Girls grow their self-esteem as they try new activities. They build strong social connections with peers and caring adults. Girls also learn to fail in safe spaces, building the resilience and courage so crucial to meeting daily challenges.

The Girl Scout Research Institute found that girls in Girl Scouts develop skills and confidence. Girls told them:

• “Because of Girl Scouts, I’ve had a community and a safe place to be myself.”

• “Girl Scouts has taught me to be self-confident, which is very good for my mental health. I have learned to be brave when trying new things, which reduces anxiety I might have had when put in new or uncomfortable situations.”

Encourage the girls in your life to become a Girl Scout. Beyond finding fun and friendship, they will bolster their well-being and foster lifelong skills for success.

Roni Luckenbill


Roni Luckenbill is chief executive officer of Girl Scouts of Western Ohio.


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