Tuesday deadline for 26th annual Amateur Photo Competition

LIMA — Noon on Tuesday is the deadline for The Lima News’ 26th annual Amateur Photo Competition.

Entries may be submitted online at LimaOhio.com/photocontest. Entries are $5 per photo in the categories of abstract, action/sports, animals, candid, candid kids, flowers, landscape/scenic, portrait and still life.

Judges will select the winning entries. Prizes are $50 for first place in each category, $40 for second place and $25 for third place. The best of show entry receives the top prize of $100.

Winners will be announced starting Sunday, Sept. 25 in The Lima News.

All entries and winners will be displayed at ArtSpace/Lima. Winners will be on display at Mercy Health-St. Rita’s High Street Mall Gallery through the end of this year.