Crown opens new facility

First Posted: 1/16/2015

NEW BREMEN — One of the largest employers in New Bremen has restored a former landmark in the community.

Crown Equipment Corp., with global headquarters in New Bremen, recently unveiled its latest project.

The new office building features 44,400 square feet within the historic Boesel Opera House. The opera house was damaged in a fire in February 2012.

The building now houses marketing, sales, service and branch operations teams while keeping as many interior features of the former opera house as possible intact. The lobby of the new building also features tile from a historic New Bremen hotel, according to a press release from Crown.

Officials from Crown did not return calls for comment.

“The fire that destroyed the opera house was an event that impacted our community and our employees,” said Mark Manuel, vice president, Crown Equipment in a written statement.

“As the primary employer in the area and in alignment with a company tradition of brownfield development, it was important that Crown took a lead role in the redevelopment of the space and reclamation of as much of the opera house as possible,” he said. “The new facility is the result of collaborative efforts among many organizations. It stands today a testament to the perseverance of our community and Crown’s commitment to the future of New Bremen.”

The building features a number of environmentally friendly construction and design elements such as smart glass technology found in the windows. This technology tints windows electronically in response to the amount of light outdoors, which eliminates the need for blinds while reaping the benefits of natural lighting.

The interior of the building features an open-air design, according to the press release.