Lima police try ‘crime detector’ device

LIMA — The Lima Police Department will soon implement new technology to detect crimes, addresing its “manpower shortage.” The mobile device could become the department’s eyes and ears at a scene and even collect evidence.

The police department applied for an Ohio grant for violent crime reduction to offset the cost.

“We looked for technology that is a force multiplier,” said LPD Major Jim Baker said.

The custom-built device, created by Infinite Protection, has cameras, sound detection, facial recognition software, license plate recognition and smoke and fire detection to help the department.

“This device is a one-of-a-kind technology that we get to use here,” Baker said. “Other systems have to be set up on poles; this one is completely mobile.”

The device will be moved all over the city to detect potential crime.

“This device is similar to having a camera in a public place,” Major Ron Holman said.

The LPD plans to implement one device but hopes to have more in the future.

Once a detection is made, the device will deploy officers in around 15 minutes. Baker said he believed it will cut down on LPD response time.

“It can take time from someone witnessing it to calling it in then getting a description then us heading to the scene,” Baker said.

The device created for the Lima Police Department has various features that will meet the needs of the department and community.

As the department hires new officers, the new technology will assist the department. LPD plans to continue to enforce this new technology.

Founded more than 20 years ago, Infinite Protection uses technology to protect businesses from physical and digital threats. Infinite Protection is located in Ohio, Texas and Nevada.