Abortion protesters march in Lima

LIMA — The chant, “My body! My choice!” echoed through downtown Lima on Tuesday afternoon. Approximately 40 people protested the recent overturn of the Roe vs Wade decision. Not all protesters were from the immediate area. Protesters came from Van Wert, Sidney and various locales, some finding out about the event on the internet.

Devoney Sidle from Van Wert explained, “I want to keep being able to be sexually free with myself and with other partners. I will get pregnant and if I accidentally have a miscarriage or something, I don’t want people to assume that I am a baby murderer or something like that. I want everybody to have the same rights all the time. It just doesn’t make any sense why a woman should have any less rights than any man.”

Mason Schleeter was one of the organizers of the brief protest. “I just wanted to get the boys out. Standing up for women’s reproductive rights is something we all need to be doing.”

Courtney Morris from Sidney came because it was the closest protest to her home. “I’m definitely afraid for my future. I’m afraid for my children’s future. Abortion is not going to stop here. It’s just going to go back to unsafe abortions.”

After some participants spoke around the fountain in Town Square, they took the chant north up Main Street encountering hecklers on the fringes as they walked.