Roses and Thorns

Things seem downright rosy in the garden this week, as we recognize some people doing things the right way.

Rose: To Lima police officers Blake Van Vorce, George Caldwell and Riley Brubaker, who were commended this week for disarming a man with a gun in a domestic dispute. It’s reassuring to see police officers successfully deescalate situations.

Rose: To the people involved with moving an 1855 barn to the Swiss Community Historical Society in the Bluffton and Pandora areas. We’re grateful when historical structures can be saved and not just razed.

Thorn: To Tyler Dunlap, a Lima police officer recently charged in Wapakoneta for obstructing official business, resisting arrest and for misconduct at an emergency. If anyone should know the importance of stepping aside and letting law enforcement do its job, it’s a police officer.

Rose: To Allen County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Izak Ackerman, who is recovering from a gunshot to the face apparently from a Lima man he attempted to pull over, Quincy Pritchett. While details are still scarce, we are happy that the deputy’s injuries are not life-threatening.