Hosterman at the top

The original design of this article was to follow up the great performances of the past season’s high school stars with a review of the goings on the college scene this past and more especially this next season as UNOH continues to battle for national prominence and Lourdes becoming a power to be in Northwest Ohio.

Everything was on that course and then I had yet another great chat with another of the daughters of Mike and Angie Hosterman, Britni and Carlee.

Carlee grabbed early post-season family bragging rights when she rolled a perfect game for the Wapak Redskins in OHSAA D1 Divisional Play at Star Lanes at the Harbor in Port Clinton.

Britni was there for the show her sister put on and was very proud of sis on that day. Still anybody that knows these two loving but competitive sisters knew that it would not be long before Britni regained said rights. But what would she do?

It did not take the young Bowling Green State University Lady Falcon long to at least tie Carlee for the family top spot as she excelled throughout the collegiate post season.

The Hosterman young ladies are used to winning championships – each posting phenomenal careers with the Redskins of Wapak where they claimed state gold.

It could be argued that this past season that Britni scored a double (and not the two strikes in a row variety) as the Lady Falcons grabbed the National Collegiate Club Championship with a victory over perennial power Morehead State. They had defeated Wright State in the quarter finals and Grand Canyon in the semi-final round.

Britni was also honored as rookie of the year in the American Heartland Conference and was named to second team All Conference on a squad loaded with upper class women.

“It was scary going in but it ended up being a pretty fun year.” said Britni when we had the time to chat. “It was great meeting new people, getting to know our common interests and appreciating that we had common goals.”

Hosterman chatted about the common goals.

“The team had gotten to finals the prior year, so we felt from the beginning that we had a good chance to return.”

It was not false bravado or arrogance for the squad to set that goal. “Kevin (Coach Traber) really believed in us and felt that if we did the work that there would not be any reason that we could not return. We really worked hard as a team, shooting at a lot of spares and doing what was needed to become a great team. We really believed that we had a chance.”

“One of the keys was that we believed in each other. We were like family. There was a point where I was moved to the anchor position on the team and nobody complained that a freshman was in that position. They had confidence in me and that was very important to me and the team.”

There were actually three tournaments where Britni claimed top individual honors this season, one being the Heartland Conference Tournament.

One of the directions of this column today was to discuss that youth can actually earn scholarships to a number of the schools throughout our area and the country.

Such is not the case at BGSU. “Coach Traber often points out how he believes that is one of the reasons why we have performed as well as what we have. We bowl because we love the game and we want to do the best that we can. I have loved my chance to be a part of the team and as well as to advance my education. When it came time to choose where I attended school, it was about the degree. I was happy to see that I could bowl here as well.”

Britni continued, “I really was not recruited anywhere other than UNOH and they did not have the degree that I wanted to pursue.”

I was stunned by those words as Britni is one of the most clutch performers that I have had the pleasure of watching in her high school years.

She is studying Communication Disorders at Bowling Green. “I love kids and really want to work with kids who have speech disorders.”

She is a quality bowler, totally aware that what she does off the lanes will be better if it can change lives. I have never really seen her fail, this time will not be any different.

Next week we will take a look at the value of the junior bowling and especially high school bowling as youth and parents look to broaden college aspirations.

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Jack Hammill

Guest Columnist