Allen County Courthouse repairs expanding to roof

LIMA — Work on renovating the Allen County Courthouse clock tower is “over 90 percent complete,” according to Allen County Commissioner Cory Noonan, with work now expanding to repairing the courthouse roof.

Speaking Thursday after the Board of Commissioners meeting, Noonan was pleased to see the progress on clock tower repairs.

“As the public can see, we are substantially ahead as it relates to the clock tower,” he said. “The next domino, so to speak, when it comes to capital projects, is the roof of the courthouse.”

Delphos-based NR Lee Restoration has been in charge of the $589,000 clock tower project, which was a necessary first step before making any repairs to the roof, which comes at a cost of $670,000.

“It’s great that the clock tower is where it’s at, so now we can move to the roof,” Noonan said. “Most of the asbestos shingles have been removed, and they have the paper down. We’ve spent time this week discussing the shingles and the layout of the shingles and how that will be done.”

Along with moving from asbestos to slate shingles on the mansard and spires, a membrane will be installed in the flat areas of the roof to help prevent water from leaking into the building, an issue that has caused damage to the interior of the building in the past.

“This is all part of our long-term capital plan,” Noonan said. “In order for us to do anything on the inside, we first had to take care of the outside. This will go a long way toward shoring up the structure, and we’re excited, once this is done, to move into the inside of the courthouse and the offices that are in there and the (increased) efficiency that can be done and accomplished on the inside of the courthouse.”

NR Lee also won the $93,400 contract to install period-authentic, refurbished clock works in the tower, funds raised privately through individual and corporate donations.

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The Allen County Courthouse clock tower is close to completion. Allen County Courthouse clock tower is close to completion. Craig J. Orosz | The Lima News

By Craig Kelly

[email protected]

Reach Craig Kelly at 567-242-0390 or on Twitter @Lima_CKelly.