Get This: Quiet! No more hollerin’ in Spivey’s Corner

SPIVEY’S CORNER, N.C. — No more hollerin’ in Spivey’s Corner.

Organizers of the National Hollerin’ Contest in the North Carolina crossroads community say the annual event has been suspended because of increasing costs and decreasing participation.

Contest fundraising committee chairman Aaron Jackson says it has been losing money for the past several years.

The National Hollerin’ Contest started in 1969 and proceeds went to the local fire department.

The contest was dedicated to preserve the rural tradition of hollerin’ or sending messages through a series of short, loud sounds from farm to farm before the days of telephones.

Organizers say they may have one last contest in 2018 on what would be the 50th anniversary of the event.

Spivey’s Corner is about 25 miles northeast of Fayetteville and has a population of about 500.

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