Democratic candidate for Ohio Supreme Court touts trial court experience

LIMA — Judge John O’Donnell touted his experience as a Cuyahoga County trial judge that makes him the best candidate for Ohio Supreme Court.

“I am running for this position to provide a unique perspective to the Ohio Supreme Court,” he said.

That perspective is from the seat of a common pleas judge for the past 14 years, something he said is lacking on the state’s highest court. And he said there is only one judge who has significant experience on the court.

“I sentence criminal defendants nearly every day,” he said.

O’Donnell said he also has extensive experience deciding criminal cases and civil cases. He said he also was assigned by the chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court to oversee a docket that focused on commercial issues, giving him an expertise on issues many candidates for judge never get.

O’Donnell does not consider himself a political person but is running as a Democrat against Judge Pat Fischer, a Republican in the November general election. He said he rarely has contributed to a political campaign.

When asked if he was politically active, he responded: “Minimally. I voted.”

O’Donnell was first elected to the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court in 2002. He’s handled more than 200 jury trials in felony and civil cases. He’s also handled a mental health docket to try to better help defendants whose mental health problems led them to the court in the first place.

He said he frequently speaks to Democrats at functions and tells them to not expect him to support an issue just because it’s supported by Democrats. He said he bases his decisions on the Constitution and existing law.

“I tell people to expect me to have an open mind,” he said.

O’Donnell said he is more experienced than Fischer.

“He never has been face to face with a criminal defendant and telling him he’s going to prison for a long time,” O’Donnell said.

Fischer never has had to decide whether a defendant is guilty or issue an award in a civil lawsuit, he said.

O’Donnell hopes to raise at least $750,000 for his campaign and is approaching about a quarter of that with five months to go. He also knows in a presidential election year commercials on television will be expensive, so money won’t go as far.

He recognizes and hopes he may have an advantage with the largest population of the state being from the Cleveland area and northeastern Ohio, and hopes people recognize his name but also acknowledges judicial races are not glamorous.

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By Greg Sowinski

[email protected]

Reach Greg Sowinski at 567-242-0464 or on Twitter @Lima_Sowinski.