Elida schools, teachers agree to 6 percent raise over next three years

ELIDA — The Elida Education Association and the Elida school board came to a quick agreement on a new contract, approving a three-year deal during a special meeting Wednesday morning.

The two sides began negotiating April 18 and only had three meetings totaling about 20 hours before coming to an agreement.

“It was quite a bit quicker than it had been in years past,” said Elida schools Superintendent Joel Hatfield. “The negotiations went extremely well.”

High points of the contract included 6 percent wage increases over the next three years and a reduction in professional development days from 14 to seven. Most other changes were primarily minor language issues that were cleared up. Professional development days are occasional two-hour morning delays that can be used for a variety of reasons.

EEA president Darrell Bryan said the professional development days were cut down as a matter of efficiency.

“Last year was the first time we had them in several years,” Bryan said. “We felt it was more than what was needed and felt the districts would better be served having the students back in class.”

The union ratified the contract June 1. Bryan said union vote tallies are not made public. He said it was the most productive talks the two sides have had in years.

The last contract, a contentious two-year deal, wasn’t approved until January 2015, six months after the previous contract expired and long after negotiations began the preceding May.

“Both sides were interested in listening,” Bryan said. “I have been involved with at least five contracts, and this was by far the most receptive by both sides. We were able to talk more.”

Board president Jason Bowers said both sides went into discussions “with a bit of understanding,” which led to smooth negotiations. He was also happy the sides were able to reach a three-year deal. Other benefits remained the same from the prior contract.

“Getting a three-year contract makes it better for planning our finances,” Bowers said.

The new agreement takes effect July 1.

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Three-year deal includes 6 percent raise over time

By Lance Mihm

[email protected]

Reach Lance Mihm at 567-242-0409 or at Twitter@LanceMihm