Letter: Six reasons to vote for Nixon

Lima City Council consists of 7 ward representatives as well as a Council President who is elected citywide. To be effective and to move the City of Lima forward, the council president must have qualities and a personality that allow this to occur. John Nixon is able to:

• Listen. A quote from an English teacher in a recent Wall Street Journal best expresses, “that it’s necessary to listen to what others say and that doing so may allow you to strengthen, or force you to alter, what you think”.

• Thoroughly research both sides of an issue and present that information to council in a rational way.

• Build consensus through rational dialogue that includes listening to all sides.

• Exhibit a cooperative spirit by offering rational compromises.

• Maintain positive relationships with administrators who actually do the work of the city.

• See the importance of creating an environment in which businesses will locate in the city where jobs will be created and retained

For 16 years, I personally witnessed all of these qualities in John Nixon. Please vote for him Nov. 3.

— Paige Townsend, Lima